Career Preparation Registration

 2024 - 2025 School Year Dates

Quarter 1: August 26, 2024 - October 28, 2024

Quarter 2: October 29, 2024 - January 21, 2025

Quarter 3: January 22, 2025 - March 27, 2025

Quarter 4: April 7, 2025 - June 5, 2025

Call (248) 449-1717 to make an appointment.

Returning Students 

Call (248) 449-1717 or email to make your appointment. Minors (under the age of 18) must be accompanied by an adult.

New Students

Call (248) 449-1717 or email to make your appointment and have a registration packet sent to you.  In addition, an official copy of your current high school transcript, and/or a copy of your complete IEP, must be provided to our office for review prior to your appointment. These documents can be emailed to, faxed to (248) 449-1719, or brought to the ROAR Center.
Enrollment to Novi Career Preparation High School is determined on a case-by-case basis due to limited availability. Students must be 17 or older and must meet with an administrator to determine eligibility for acceptance.

For your in-person appointment:
  • Bring your completed registration packet with you
  • Bring a photo ID (Driver's license or similar)
  • Bring your birth certificate
  • If you are under the age of 19, bring your vaccination record 
  • Minors (under the age of 18) must be accompanied by an adult 
  • If you have any questions, please call ahead to our office during the registration window to confirm.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I enroll?
The process involves a  meeting  to review transcripts, identify student academic goals, answer questions and assess if we are the best fit for you. Our goal is offer a positive learning environment that leads to student success and a Novi high school diploma.

Where and when do classes start?
Classes are held at the new ROAR Center, 41500 Gardenbrook Road, Novi. Check our "Key Dates" page for the starting date of all four quarters, holidays, and special events.

How many credits can I earn?
Students can earn up to two (2) credits per quarter. All non-district students enrolling in our program must take a minimum of 2 credits (4 classes).  Novi residents are required to take a minimum of 1 credit (2 classes) to enroll in our program. (This does not include credit recovery.)
If there a fee?
Free for students who are not attending any other school.

Do we offer Credit Recovery?
Students who need to recover credit can register for classes in the evening provided they have a signed counselor form. Call our office (248) 449-1717 to receive a copy of this form. Tuition is $249 for Novi District students and $295 for out-of-district students and is due at registration. Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. 

What if I have further questions?
Please call (248) 449-1717, or  email for more information.